Welcome to our newest members: Dawn Corwin Creative Photography3320 North Illinois Street, Bellevillewww.dawncorwincreativephotography.com Estel Foods/McDonalds906 Carlyle Avenue, Bellevilleestel.office-assistant@us.stores.mcd.com IL Beverage Association180 N LaSalle Street, Chicagowww.illinoisbeverage.org Jennifer Gracin Photographyjennifergracinphotography@gmail.comwww.jennifergracin.com Knollwood Retirement Community921 Knollwood Village Rd, Caseyvillewww.knollwoodstclair.com STL Entertainment3320 North Illinois Street, Swanseastldjentertainment@gmail.comwww.saintlouis-dj.com Sugar High Bakery & Café100 East Main Street, Belleville Waterfall Glen Soap Company LLC1511 East Main Street, Bellevillewww.waterfallglensoap.com Thank you to the following businesses for renewing their membership with the Chamber. Bel-O Pest Solutions.St. Clair CountyEdward Jones – Jeff PratlTavern on MainCrehan’s Irish PubSeven/Shichi Sushi BarThe Copper FireMcIlravy’s Irish PubBellecourt Banquet CenterThe EDGEBig Daddys 618Cork Tree CreativeKings House Retreat CenterSonnenberg Landscape Materials Co.Greensfelder, Hemker & Gale,-P.C.Chelar Tool & Die, Inc.Becker, Hoerner & Ysursa P.C.Hank’s Excavating & Landscaping, Inc.CliftonLarsonAllen LLPRice Sullivan LLCTown & Country BankViolence Prevention Center of SouthwesterPTL Manufacturing, Inc.Belfor Property RestorationPlocher Construction Company,…
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After a unique 2020, the Chamber is looking to the future in hopes of still being able to host some of our signature events during the second part of 2021 and into 2022. Starting in March, the Chambers Sponsorship Campaign officially begins. It is an annual six-week campaign when the Chamber seeks our membership’s support for the year ahead including: 2021 Otto Golf Classic (includes teams), 2021 Annual Dinner & Silent Auction, 2021 Chili Cook-off and Chili Chase 5K Run, Business After Hours Hosts, Coffee Cup Connections Hosts, 2021 Annual Meeting, 2021 Government Officials BBQ, 2021 Teacher Appreciation Reception, 2021 Issues & Eggs, Leadership Belleville Class of 2021/2022 Class Days & Scholarships, Web Sponsorships, Weekly Email Update Sponsorships, & more! If you are interested in a sponsorship and have not yet been contacted, call us…
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Recently, the Greater Belleville Chamber of Commerce hosted two live webinars with the local law firm, Greensfelder, for business owners regarding COVID-19 in 2021. Both webinars are available on the Chamber’s YouTube channel to replay. COVID-19 Business Relief Opportunities | January 28, 2021 Need-to-Know COVID-19 Employment Issues for 2021 | February 3, 2021
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Advertise with the Greater Belleville Chamber of Commerce! The Chamber Connection Newsletter is distributed the last week of each month (Example: April’s newsletter will be distributed the last week of March). Ad Sizes & Ad Rates:Business Card (3.5”w x 2”h) $25.001/4 Page (3.5”w x 5”h) $50.001/2 Page (7.5”w x 5”h) $100.00Full Page (7.5”w x 10”h) $200.00 Artwork must be premade and received by the 15th of the month. If the ad is not received by this date, it is not guaranteed to make that newsletter. If it is a recurring ad, the previous ad will stay in its place. Advertisers have the option of changing their ad monthly as long as new ad copy is received by the deadline. All ads must be submitted in JPEG or PDF format. Ads will be full color. Newsletters will…
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Wow, what a year this has been. When we started our year in January with such promise to the new year, I never in a million years could we have imagined what our chamber, city, county, state, and country would go through. While we could focus on all the negatives, many positives came from this most challenging year. Within 24 hours of the COVID-19 restrictions being announced, your Chamber team was able to make a COVID response page with all the up-to-date information. The information included on this page was gathered from the CDC, Illinois Department of Public Health, SBA, US Chamber of Commerce, St. Clair County Health Department, local hospitals, etc. All this information was vetted by our team for accuracy and relevancy to our members. This page became a community lifeblood for not…
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