Judge Milton Wharton Honored with Commitment to Community Award

The Ambassador Club’s Commitment to Community Award is presented quarterly to a Chamber member who demonstrates commitment to improving the quality of life for residents and/or businesses in the greater Belleville area. The Ambassador Club is proud to present this quarter’s award to Judge Milton Wharton. Judge Wharton has a long history of public service in the greater Belleville community. After graduating from DePaul University in 1974, Wharton began working in the St. Clair County Public Defender’s Office and was eventually appointed an associate judge in St. Clair County Circuit Court in 1976. This is where he met the late Dr. Peter Soto, a pathologist, who encouraged him to get involved with the St. Clair County branch of the American Red Cross. Through his work with the American Red Cross, Judge Wharton realized that community…