
Reasons To Buy Local This Holiday Season

December 05, 2018 | General

Online shopping sure is easy. Sit in front of your computer in your comfy clothes, click a few times, and the item arrives on your doorstep. But take a moment to think about the impact online shopping has on our community. Every time you “click” to shop, a local retailer suffers. Our local retailers rely on your walk-in business to survive. Without a continual stream of customers, we could potentially lose the small retailers who make our community unique. In recent years, shopping small has become a popular topic, especially around the holidays. American Express created the holiday, Small Business Saturday, in 2010 to support the small businesses that keep our nation running, occurring the Saturday immediately following the ever popular Black Friday. Additionally, the local economy suffers when you shop online. All local governments see a decrease in revenue every time…

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Purchase Your Ad for the 2018 Annual Report

December 03, 2018 | General

Each year, the Chamber’s Annual Report features highlights of Chamber accomplishments and events. The annual report includes information from each of our committees and the many events we hold throughout the year. In addition to your free listing on our online Member Directory, you also have the opportunity to advertise in this publication. This is a great way to promote your services and products to other Chamber members as well as to the general public. This full-color publication will be emailed to over 1,500 Chamber members as well as posted the whole year of 2019 on the Chamber’s website for viewing. There will also be paper copies in the Chamber office available upon request. If you are interested in taking part, you must fill out this Annual Report Advertising Contract, due to the Chamber no later than…

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Silent Auction Items Wanted for Annual Dinner

November 28, 2018 | Annual Awards | Events

As you start to plan your 2019 calendar, we want to make sure you mark your calendar for our upcoming Annual Dinner on Thursday, January 31st beginning at 5:30 p.m. at St. Clair County Event Center. Formal invitations will be mailed and e-mailed later in December, but it’s not too early to mark your calendars. As has become a popular tradition, we will again host a silent auction with the dinner. Your generous donations are the reason it has been such a huge success. Those interested in participating, please fill out a Silent Auction Donation Form. Your company name will be listed along with the item donated not only on our evening’s program but also on our website prior to the event. Past event items include: Artwork, Hotel Stays, Golf Packages, Sporting Event Tickets, Theater…

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Tis the season to be Thankful

November 14, 2018 | Membership Tips

The trees are changing colors, it’s getting darker outside and the temperatures are falling. The holidays are quickly approaching and we are starting to reflect on the last year and think about what we are thankful for this year. Here are some of our staff’s thoughts. What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving? Wendy Pfeil: There are so many things to be thankful for, first I am thankful for my family that through all the craziness of 2018, we are still able to sit down at dinner and laugh together. Secondly, I am thankful for my work family. Whether we are celebrating successful events, birthdays, holidays or just everyday fun, we also are there for each in times of need from sickness to death. There is no other team I would rather be a part…

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