Drive Away Hunger 2025
Dear Parents and Students of Belleville District #118,
We need your help to address hunger in our community. This year, we will be holding the 17th annual Drive Away Hunger service project. Over the years, the response to our project has been overwhelming, and we have delivered over 191,000 items to food pantries in Belleville.
We know that many families and individuals are struggling this year, and the food pantries are in dire need of supplies. Therefore, we are requesting your support to make this project a success.
We hope each family can help us fill as many school buses as possible with bags of food. We will collect supplies from March 10 to March 26, 2025, and then deliver them to local food pantries.
We have attached a complete list of needed items on the back of this letter. This is an excellent opportunity for all of us to come together and make a difference in our community. We hope you can join us in our efforts to “Drive Away Hunger” in Belleville. Thank you for your support.
In Character,
Ryan L. Boike, Ed.D.
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