Reasons to Attend Virtual Networking Events
Ever since the pandemic started, the Greater Belleville Chamber of Commerce has had to cancel all in-person events through the end of 2020. Our mission is all about “Advancing Business. Supporting Community.” and the Chamber has continued to host normal monthly events including our Virtual Happy Hour (Business After Hours), Coffee Cup Connections, Lunch & Learn, and Young Professionals seminars online via Zoom. If you or someone you know isn’t into participating in online meetings, here are some reasons that could change your mind:
1. It’s free!
Our normal month-to-month networking evenings including our Virtual Happy Hour (Business After Hours), Coffee Cup Connections, Young Professionals, & Lunch and Learn seminars) typically may have a cost associated with them for in-person events. Now you can access them all for free from the comfort of your home or office.
2. You have the opportunity to form meaningful connections.
Virtual doesn’t mean isolated. The Chamber’s mission is to “Advance Business. Support Community.” and that happens most when our members connect, support, and inspire each other. Since we can’t get together in person this year, we are bringing you virtual networking opportunities. Attendees have the opportunity to connect with other members that they have known forever or meet new members that have recently joined or may not be able to make normal in-person meetings and now can virtually.
3. Your entire team can partake in the action.
In-person meetings and conferences are important settings for learning and professional development, but we understand travel expenses add up and it can be tough to take more than a couple of team members out of the office. When the event is online, anyone on your team can tune in from wherever they are.
4. You’ll access content that you need to hear right now.
Our team is tapped into the concerns and questions buzzing around town and we have the connections to help you hear from the experts and find out what you need to know.
If you have not joined us virtually yet, we hope after reading this, we will see you soon! You can find a list of our upcoming events at You can also contact the Chamber
to see which event might best fit your goals and needs.